Monday, February 4, 2008

Sometimes It's good....

to be from New York, lets start with a song

Finally, it took all season to do it, but the Patriots LOST, LOST, LOST! I was the only happy camper at work today, the celebration continued with a hallucination inducing cardio workout, and now some cold chinese food and an early night to bed....yeah, I know how to party.

Tomorrow is a big day here in Mass, super Tuesday and there are no libertarians in the running, I know this because my friend Billy suprised me the other night by coming out Libertarian....he said he was given a notice that said he could not vote because no one was running in his party. I was thinking about how, many moons ago, I considered myself a very conservative republican, can someone say DENIAL? I had a stick so far embedded up my bum that when I farted splinters would shoot out..alright thats a bit gross, sorry.

Thank you Eli Manning for making me oh so very happy

1 comment:

BobM said...

So you gonna fill me in? You started me on this blog stuff so you can't just up and leave me (like that hasn't ever happened in my life by multiple women before). Email me if you have to.